Each Robey production has generated creative offerings from many of our friends and colleagues. These images were created by Robey's Development Director, Judith Bowman in that spirit.

Playwright, Kellie Roberts
"The story is not in the plot but in the telling" - Ursula K. LeGuin
Producer, Ben Guillory
"The only one who is wiser than anyone is everyone" - Napoleon Bonaparte
Earl Buffington
"Everyone has talent - it takes courage to follow where it leads"
Cydney "Wayne" Davis
"Most of us go to our grave with music still inside us"
Amentha Dymally
"Forgiveness is the scent that the rose leaves on the heel that crushes it"
Rosie Lee Hooks
"When two quarrel, both are to blame"
Joyce Lee
"To change your life:
1. Start immediately
2. Do it flamboyantly
3. No exceptions"
Kenyetta Lethridge
"There are two ways of spreading light...be the candle or be the mirror that reflects it"
Lamont Thompson
"Talent does what it can, genius does what it must"